makeshift headed build chamber

I have the strangest hunch that a heated build chamber is a good idea. Here's the mock up before I invest in anything permanent. Using light, insulative materials for a rapid thermal response time.My second multimeter measures ambient temperature when there are no leads attached, so in to the chamber it goes. Also need to work out how my optos will respond. Do they rely on ambient light to function? or do they generate radiation of their own?

Mocked up an air vent that looks rather like a shirt collar. Up one air vent but down one cake tin and one picture frame. Perhaps in the future, restrictions on one's freedom to discard material goods and the sophistication of reprap machines will mean we frequently engage in similar on-site recycling of unwanted, out of date personal effects. Our reprap machines will extract the raw material and refashion something we do want, at that moment.

Purloined yet another electrical appliance from my long suffering parents. this time it's an air heater. At least this one won't be cannibalised. Two heat settings, 45C air on low, 60C air on high. I wonder if that will increase significantly when the heated chamber reaches a positive air pressure. Leaving outlets around the base of the chamber so that positive pressure will expel the coldest air first.



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